From highway and roadway projects to telecom and energy transmission projects, NRWRA offers effective right of way appraisal review nationwide with vetted affiliates.
More InformationNRWRA has the capability and the experience to completely manage the appraisal process for large scale infrastructure projects and small private exchanges alike.
More InformationAs experts in right of way appraisal with years in right of way education from teaching appraisers to teaching the teachers to teach appraisers, we have a network of experts throughout the Nation with the local knowledge and right of way experience to efficiently get your project completed.
More InformationEfficient and cost effective, from preliminary planning through review.
Our Reviews are USPAP, UASFLA, and/or local agency standards to meet your required outcomes.
Brian and David have been providing a full range of appraisal and appraisal review services for private property owners and acquisition entities for over 50 years, combined. NRWRA has licensed and certified appraisers and operates in the Midwest, Northwest, and mid-Atlantic states. We also have a network of affiliates throughout the majority of the states. If you have a large-scale project, we will become certified (licensed) in your state and affiliate with local appraisal talent experienced in Right of Way to provide an outstanding level of industry expertise, appraisal experience, and local knowledge, thus assuring your appraisal reviews are complete, effective, and compliant with the requisite standards.
Through our experience and service to the industry, we likely know or perhaps have even taught your chosen appraiser. If you haven’t chosen an appraiser for your project, we can assist in that as well. We recommend having the appraiser and appraisal reviewer inspect properties together to identify and discuss the appraisal problems, at the outset.
We work hard to effectively communicate with the appraisers who write your appraisal reports. We understand that what matters is the success of the project and the appropriateness of the compensation estimate. Having completed 100s of review appraisals since 2017 and 1,000s of appraisal reports since, well a long time ago, we have reviewed and been reviewed and understand the balance between the appraisal report and the appraisal review. We understand the need for mutual respect required to effectively deliver quality reports – accurate reports that are compliant with USPAP, the Uniform Act, state regulations, the Yellow Book (UASFLA) – as required on a case by case basis, and consistent with the regulations and precedents in your state.
Mr. Burgoyne, ASA, SR/WA is an award-winning educator for the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) who instructs both students in traditional IRWA courses, many of which are very specific to Right-of-Way and Right-of-Way Reviews, and also instructs instructors on how to effectively instruct students. He has also testified in State and Federal Courts. His experience, communication skills, and commitment to education are unparalleled.
Mr. O’Neill, AI-GRS, SR/WA has concentrated on the appraisal of real property subject to eminent domain almost exclusively throughout his career. Brian belongs to the Appraisal Institute, the International Right of Way Association (IRWA), and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He is a Designated member of the Appraisal Institute (AI-GRS) and holds the IRWA’s senior designation (SR/WA) and its appraisal certification designation (R/W-AC). He has also earned the American Society of Appraisers’ Appraisal Review and Management (ARM) Certificate of Completion. He was the IRWA Education Chairman for Idaho Chapter 64 from 2011 to 2023 and an IRWA Region 7 Representative of the International Valuation Committee.